
credit cards 5 Things to Know About No-Interest Credit Cards If you have been contemplating getting one of these, then this article is a must read! Tempted by that offer for a new credit card with an interest-free grace period? Don’t succumb to the first attractive zero percent interest credit card offer that comes your way—unless it’s the right card for you. First, come to […]
appliances 9 Home Gadgets to Save Energy and Entertain Who doesn’t love a great gadget?!  Isn’t it interesting what sort of great ideas these companies come up with? So you’re up for making your home truly state-of-the-art? I’ve got a great list for you. Here are nine gadgets to be on the lookout for: Moen’s U lets you customize the perfect shower before ever stepping […]
backyard 6 Easy DIY Projects That Will Boost Your Home’s Value   Not only will these DIY’s boost your home’s value, but you get to enjoy them too. The satisfaction of creating something productive is powerful! Your house is likely to be the biggest investment you make in your entire life. Whether you’re planning to sell it or you’re there for the long haul, it is […]
backyard 10 No-Grass Backyards You Can Pull Off Anywhere It’s not just you…who ever said “I just love to mow the lawn and pull weeds”!  Here are some fab ideas for a grass free, easy maintenance yard! While we can all agree that a lush, green backyard looks gorgeous, grass just doesn’t work for everyone. And grass is definitely not a requirement for a […]
family New Neighborhood? 15 Things To Do Your First Week, Month, And Year So you have settled in and ready to start exploring your new neighborhood?  Check this out! Ready or not, it’s time to jump into your brand-new lifestyle. These tips will help you find your place within your community and make it feel even more like home. After the hard work of finding and moving into […]
backyard Do You Know How to Prep Your Home For Summer?   Summertime….and the living is easy! If you know how to prep for it! Our friends at HomeAdvisor 5 important steps for prepping your home for summer. While summertime is perfect for outdoor gatherings with friends and family, it can also be a dangerous, and inefficient, time for your home. That’s why it’s important to […]
Alexa Coldwell Banker Real Estate Gets Vocal – Announcing Our First Amazon Alexa Skill Smart Home Ready!  Meet Alexa and Coldwell Bankers first Alexa skill! Coldwell Banker teamed up with Amazon’s Alexa to create its first Alexa skill, an extension of the popular Home of the Week series. We’ve all heard that real estate is local, but Coldwell Banker has put its own spin on the adage, declaring all […]
decorating The Paint Colors That Sell—and the Ones That Don’t Paint can make or break a room…here are some handy tips before you pick up the old paint brush! Paint colors play a crucial role in successfully selling a home, having the power to influence a homebuyer’s decision to make an offer or move on and the best colors, according to a new Zillow  analysis, […]
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curb appeal Photography and Real Estate: Why Taking Professional Photos of Your Listings is Essential I don’t like watching a blurry movie, do you?  Then why would you like to view a potential purchase with blurry pictures? Makes perfect sense to us! When it comes to listing your home, posting high-quality photos online is probably the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal. According to the National Association of Realtors […]
buying First-Time Homeowners: Everything You Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance Oh my…this is a MUST READ for First Time Home buyers!  Don’t leave home without it! What exactly is home insurance and do I really need it? Ready to buy your first home? Before you dot the I’s and cross the T’s on your mortgage, it is important to understand the ins and outs of […]
buying 10 Questions For Mortgage Lenders The most frustrating part of your homeowner purchase if you are not paying cash?  The mortgage application and approval hands down!  Start off your journey with some great advice! Prepare for your meeting with your mortgage lender by showing up with these 10 questions. Buying a home starts with finding the right mortgage lender. Here […]
appraisal Does It Really Matter What Your Neighbor’s Home Sold For? Interesting food for thought. Depending on the dynamics of the other homes in the neighborhood, fair market values can vary. Whether you’re buying or selling, remember that your neighbor’s sale price is just one piece of the puzzle. Whether you’re buying or selling, make sure you look beyond the data to get the big picture on […]
buying Are You Forgetting This Crucial Aspect Of Your House Hunt? Lucky for you, Coldwell Banker Kappel Gateway property search function has a drive time filter! A very important consideration you should be aware of if you are a commuter. If you had to choose, would you pick the dream house or the dream commute? Anyone stuck in traffic can tell you just how important commute […]
backyard Are You Making These 5 Lawn Watering Mistakes? Ahhhh, the sweet smell of cut grass in the air…a true harbinger of summertime. Keeping that lawn green can be tricky without these great tips on watering! Proper watering nourishes lawns, just as proper hydration nourishes our bodies. Yet too many of us are failing at both. We’re not going to lecture you about drinking […]
Bills How to Get a Better Deal on TV Service Without Cutting the Cord Like it or not, television access can be expensive. Especially with the limited time only offers once they adjust upward (why do they never adjust downward??)  Take a look: Although the idea of cutting the cord on expensive cable or satellite TV costs sounds amazingly liberating, the unfortunate truth is that this would mean losing […]
backyard 5 Signs Of A Dog-Friendly Neighborhood Where would be without our PUPPIES!!  They are family members too. Looking for a dog friendly neighborhood?  Here’s how: Look for these puppy-friendly factors before making your move. With more than 36% of U.S. households including a dog (according to a 2012 survey from the American Veterinary Medical Foundation), it’s no surprise that finding a […]
buying I Can’t Get a Traditional Mortgage… What Are My Alternatives?   Quandry: You are faced with circumstances that may prevent you from obtaining a traditional mortgage. Don’t panic…you have alternatives! You want to buy a house, but your credit history isn’t in tip top shape, or you cannot show a consistent cash flow even though you have a lot of money saved in the bank […]
curb appeal What Will Give Your Home the Most Curb Appeal?   The Jury is IN!  You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Curl Appeal is one of the single most important details you need to address when putting your home on the market!  If your home looks amazing on the outside, Buyers will naturally assume that it looks equally as awesome […]
credit cards How Can You Change Your Credit Score in 30 Days? The heat is on! You want to improve your credit and you want to get it done NOW! If raising your credit seems impossible, take a step back from the big hairy goal and tackle the beast one step at a time. There’s no “instant” button, but there are things you can do now that […]
buying Be a Detective: Google the Address When House Hunting Here are some GREAT tips to get the skinny on houses that have made it to your hot list. Fire up your Google! Search-engine sleuthing is worth the effort to unearth the niceties — and perhaps negatives — when searching for your new home. There’s probably not a day that goes by that you don’t […]